born 30th of November 2022

IC(N)Migoto´s Pernille, JW
NFO D (24)

IC (N)Fiskerjenta’s Troll, JW
NFO N 03 22
Troll is very beautiful, with a fantastic 03 coloring, he has a spectacular NFO look and ears. He is kind with a fantastic temper and his father is from our own breeding, GIC (N)Migoto’s Georg, JW NFO n 09 22.
Pernille is from our own cattery. She is the sole daughter that we have kept from our very special (N)Migoto´s Othleia. We have for quite some time tried to breed on Pernille and finally she got pregnant with Troll.
Sadly Pernille did give birth premature and two of the kittens died during birth. One boy survived and are developing very promising.
Pernille is a strong, well-built female with a fantastic coat quality, high profile, big well-set ears and long tail. She is very kind and sweet.

NFO D 09 22